Cory had told me how every year when he was little, he and his family went up to Green Canyon for a week of swim lessons. The fun stories he told made it sound so great, that I decided to try it for Sadie this year. Kids must be five years old to start, so I could only put Sadie in lessons but we found some friends that are the same age to go with her. It was such a blast!!! We swam our hearts out every day after lessons, came out too eat and then swam again until they closed. We went to Rexburg on Wednesday for a break from swimming and to get some fun things to do. We ate like kings and played just as well too! The girls had a great time, even Lexi and Haylee who couldn't take lessons. They learned really fast that the money from Grandpa Bird could buy DumDum suckers at the candy counter to entertain them during swim lessons. Lessons were from 9 to 10 a.m. and then again 11 to 12 a.m. every day. Then the rest of the time was open swim in and out as many times as you wanted. We took breaks for naps, food, coloring, crafts, dress-up and card games.
Sadie loved the lessons! She is such a brave girl, she dived of the diving board by herself with a life jacket. She wasn't scared of putting her face in the water or going under for seconds at a time. I was very proud of her. She passed Level 1 for this year.
I thought by the end of the week we would all be so tired and cranky, but it really wasn't too bad. The kids didn't want to go home! Cory came up on Thurday to spend the night and help us take stuff down Friday after lessons. All three girls' were happy to see him after not seeing him all week long. We are DEFINATLEY going back next year!!!!