Sunday, March 29, 2009

Really Snowed In!!

What a day! We woke up this morning to discover not only had the wind howled all night, it snowed as well. When Cory left at nine this morning for his Ward Clerk meetings, the wind hadn't stopped and the snow was still blizzard looking. Cory always takes the pickup to church because of his many meetings. Besides, the clutch went out yesterday in the pickup so I'm not even going to attempt driving it without one. The kids and I waited the hour for church for us to start and attempted to get there on time. I got the kids loaded in the car and tried to get out of the driveway, I discovered that the cattle guard had completely drifted over and the road had done the same in two spots beyond the cattle guard. Cory warned me of this and told me to just gas it on the way out. I gunned the car to get through those drifts not really knowing whether I was on the road or not because I couldn't see, and barely made it through the drifts.
During church the weather kept at it, therefore my brother in law (Cody) who lives next door to us called after church and warned me not to even attempt to bring the car home. Even after he plowed the road with the tractor an hour before, the drifts grew immensely. So my other brother in law (Cary) took me and the kids home from church while Cory stayed for his meetings . Cary's truck was pushing 6 inches of snow with his bumper to get through the drifts to our house so my car would have been buried! We waited for Cory to come home to make sure he got through because the drifts were growing rapidly by the second. He finally pulled up close enough to the house to walk in the rest of the way, after he was close to getting stuck in the cattle guard.
All was well except the growing piles of snow accumulating outside, and I had mentioned to Cory that Sadie wouldn't be going to school tomorrow with this weather when about five o'clock her teacher called to say they had cancelled school for tomorrow. Cory and I decided that our wood pile outside was getting buried by the minute so we'd better pack the wood up on the porch and more into the house for the night. As I was getting my winter clothes on, I looked out the window and couldn't see to the end of the sidewalk. It was a blizzard out there! Stepping outside I about blew away but managed to keep my footing until I unknowingly stepped into a drift that was as tall as my thigh! Snow kept coming down and the wind piled it up.
Discussing back up plans, Cory and I thought we could make it through the field to get to Mom and Dad's house in the morning for a vehicle if needs be because our pickup was snowed in by that time. A phone call from Cody ruined that thought as he tried to come home through the field. He reported that he was pushing a foot of snow with his truck's bumper before he turned around and went back to Mom and Dad's. So we are officially snowed in on all sides. Of course the one time we need the snow machine, it is at Mom and Dad's house on the trailer. Cory had gone sledding this past Tuesday with the Young Men. Oh well! I guess it will be indoor activities until the wind lets up and then we can go outside in the snow to play!! What a day to remember.


Sarah F. said...

Wow...sounds crazy. We woke up to about six inches this morning but thankfully we were able to get out. Hope you have plenty of wood and food!

Natalie said...

We had the crazy wind too. The power went out as they were passing the sacrament and Ry and I prayed it would stay out because he was incharge of Sharing time and I was subing singing for Hollie. Not all prayers are answered the way we want though.:) We didn't get the snow until later in the afternoon and I thought it was terrible here...I can't imagine how bad it was in Leadore. I am glad atleast you have a house to stay in. I hope you get both your vehicles home soon.