Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Surrounded by Paperwork

Okay, I will admit that my one MAJOR fault is. . . . . . . . . .


I would really like to be and I try, but it is a weakness. My paper work suffers the most. Our business requires filing and keeping of every piece of paper imaginable but if you want me to actually find it HA. It would be like finding a needle in a haystack. Okay maybe not that bad because I have a general vicinity of where the paper may be if you need it.

So I got a notice from the IRS last week stating that they never received my 3rd Quarter tax report from 2008. Are you kidding me? You are just figuring this out now? Like I remember if I filed that report or not! All my tax stuff and papers from 2008 are in a manila envelope marked 2008. It would take me hours to search through it and find all the right reports.

I finally decided enough was enough. I bought a second filing cabinet and have spent the last three days organizing all my files and paperwork. What a joke! Separating all the different pikes of categories I needed I realized, I was surrounded in my paper work. I did this to myself so I have nobody to blame, but I kept my sanity long enough to get things in order. I'm very proud of myself to finish organizing something. I eventually found my quarterly report for the IRS and sent them a copy of the one I already sent them, thank goodness. But my goal is to now not ever let my paper work get the best of me like that. At least now my files are nice and neat. Whew!

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