Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Weekend

Our weekend was crazy, hectic but enjoyable as well. We started the weekend with the Leadroe Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday. Sadie went nuts getting all the eggs she could and was done with a basket full of candy and eggs quite fast. She came over to Lexi's section and helped Lexi figure out how to maximize her efforts. The Easter Bunny was even there and scared Lexi until she was out egg hunting and then she wanted to show the Easter Bunny what she found on the ground. lexi enjoyed picking up the suckers the best. After she had a sucker in each hand she figured she was good and just ate them both before sister came to help and demonstrate the effectiveness of speedy gathering. Prizes are awarded to whomever picks up the lucky eggs with written instructions on them. Sadie got three prizes in her eggs and thanks to sister, Lexi got two prizes in her eggs. Sadie picked out a book, bubbles and a kickball. Lexi got a duck shaped cup and a noisy toy. The girls had a fun time and I enjoyed myself too.

Below: Sisterly Love

Below: The Easter Bunny and Lexi

Below: All the loot!

On Sunday morning, Lexi was the first out of bed and went straight for the candy peeps in her basket. Sadie followed and they loved all the candy they got. The Easter Bunny had trouble finding suitable Easter Dresses this year so he supplemented with PJ and robe sets. The kids LOVED their horse PJ's and robes. They wanted to wear them all day and when we got back from church they changed back into them. Sadie has worn them every night and I had to convince her that it wasn't Pajama Day at school today!


Sarah F. said...

Cute pictures! That Leadore Easter Bunny is hilarious!! Too funny!

Natalie said...

I would be scared of that Easter bunny too.:) I love the pj's, the are so cute. Rhett loves his pj's too and he gets so mad when I won't let him wear them to town. Funny kids!!

Chris Lott Family said...

I love the ELMO chair... I wonder who dumped that on you? I am glad Lexi loves it.