Monday, January 17, 2011

Sadie's First Ski Lesson

I had the opportunity to go on a school ski trip with Sadie this year. Our school takes the elementary kids skiing a couple times a year and the price is very affordable! We went to Maverick Ski hill in Montana which is about a 90 minute drive from here. We left at 7 a.m. and got to the ski hill around 8:30. By the time we got all the kids in their gear ready to ski, it was almost time for their lesson. Sadie was on the bunny hill with her class and instructor for the lesson but did really well for her first time. It took here a bit to understand how to maneuver in the skis but I was really proud of her. By the end of the lesson she was snowplowing really good on her own and could get up after she fell. We went to eat lunch after her lesson in the lodge with all her friends. It was fun to visit with the moms and have the girls together for a fun outing. After lunch it was back at it! Sadie couldn't wait to get back on the hill-she very impatiently waited for me to finish my lunch. There were five kids on the bunny hill that just stayed there using the rope tow to go back up the hill and then ski on down. Sadie enjoyed it so much she asked me if we could go everyday! After a full day of skiing though, she was tired and slept most of the way home on the bus. We didn't get home until 5:30 p.m. She slept really well that night, she even snored. I enjoyed having some down time with just Sadie and sharing something I enjoy with her. I look forward to many more ski trips with my kids through the years.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Haylee the Ham

Haylee is totally our little ham. She loves to just "cheese" it for a picture. Here are some cute pictures of her being independant and feeding herself; and sitting in her beanbag that she LOVES:

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Snow Is Growing

We have had more snow this month than any so far. Our snow piles out the back yard have quadrupled! Our snow banks surround three sides of the house and are anywhere from four to six feet high. The kids have had tooo much fun playing outside in the snow. Sledding, digging caves, building snowmen, and anything we can think of to do outside is the name of the game.

This is the pile of snow that was pushed out of our driveway so we can acutally get in and out. The kids think of this as their "King of the Hill" pile.