Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Weekend

Our weekend was crazy, hectic but enjoyable as well. We started the weekend with the Leadroe Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday. Sadie went nuts getting all the eggs she could and was done with a basket full of candy and eggs quite fast. She came over to Lexi's section and helped Lexi figure out how to maximize her efforts. The Easter Bunny was even there and scared Lexi until she was out egg hunting and then she wanted to show the Easter Bunny what she found on the ground. lexi enjoyed picking up the suckers the best. After she had a sucker in each hand she figured she was good and just ate them both before sister came to help and demonstrate the effectiveness of speedy gathering. Prizes are awarded to whomever picks up the lucky eggs with written instructions on them. Sadie got three prizes in her eggs and thanks to sister, Lexi got two prizes in her eggs. Sadie picked out a book, bubbles and a kickball. Lexi got a duck shaped cup and a noisy toy. The girls had a fun time and I enjoyed myself too.

Below: Sisterly Love

Below: The Easter Bunny and Lexi

Below: All the loot!

On Sunday morning, Lexi was the first out of bed and went straight for the candy peeps in her basket. Sadie followed and they loved all the candy they got. The Easter Bunny had trouble finding suitable Easter Dresses this year so he supplemented with PJ and robe sets. The kids LOVED their horse PJ's and robes. They wanted to wear them all day and when we got back from church they changed back into them. Sadie has worn them every night and I had to convince her that it wasn't Pajama Day at school today!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Big News!

We went to the doctor yesterday after spending the night in I.F. without our kids (yea). It was so nice to have the night out to ourselves and the next day to just go with the flow. Our kids spent the night with Kurt and Jan and had a fabulous time. The doctor reported everything looks right on track and the ultrasound was good too. We found out that we are very consistent at least, we are having another GIRL! Sadie was a little dissappointed when we told her that but she will be thrilled to have any baby around I think. Lexi now pats my belly and says "baby", but I don't think she comprhends much about it yet. So think of some good girl names for us!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What Really Matters

I feel that this blog is a journal of sorts so bear with me as I share my thoughts with you today. On a more somber note, I pondered the things that were really important today as we received a phone call from Cory's dad telling us that one of Cory's aunts passed away this morning. Brenda Bird was walking her dog early this morning and came home when she collapsed and died. We don't know the cause yet or any other details but it makes you stop and reevaluate your life a bit. Brenda was the most kind and thoughtful person I know. It didn't matter what needed to be done, whether it was cooking, cleaning, visiting someone or helping check the cows in the middle of the night, she was there to do it without complaint. She was always smiling and such a happy person all the time. She brought a light into the room with her positive attitude and smile.
I wonder how well I would be able to cope with something that devastating and it makes me so grateful for all the blessings I have. I love my life and everything in it. I love my husband of almost eight years and the wonderful father he is to our children. He constantly worries if he spends too much time outside our home and away from us. I appreciate his wisdom and constructive criticism he offers to make me stronger and a better person. My two girls are the brightest spot in my life as they challenge me and love my unconditionally even when I just hollered at them for making a mess. I'm thankful for the third addition we will add in August and how blessed we are for having these wonderful gifts in our life.
I'm very thankful for my family both far and near and the memories we make. I cannot put into words how my heart aches when they go through trials and how my heart soars when they triumph. I love all my family members; the Bird family close by and the ones just a drive away. I love Mom and Dad and how they have blessed our life and helped us out. Cody and Cary are the best uncles I could have asked for , always thinking of my kids and how they can entertain them for me. My sisters that live away from me but keep me going with their phone calls and support. Their cute families that blend so well with mine. My Mom and Dad even though I don't see them as much, they still are there for me. My brother, wherever he might be, we love and miss him too.
I have such great friends both far and near that uplift me, support me, and carry me through the rough spots. I can't believe how blessed I am. I was thinking yesterday about how I wish we could build a better house, how I haven't seen the movie Twilight yet and am wishing to do so; such trivial things now that are put in prospective after something like this happens. I love my life and everything in it-I am so blessed! Thank you all who support me through this blog and bring light into my life with your thoughts. I love you all.

Easter Eggs and Snow Paint

We decided since Cory was home yesterday late afternoon, that we would color Easter eggs with the kids. It was a "colorful" event with some of the color landing on fingers and shirts but we had lots of fun. Lexi was intent on just coloring the eggs with a white crayon and Sadie loved putting the eggs in the colors. While the eggs were drying Cory mentioned that as kids they used to go color the snow with the leftover dyes. So we gave it a try and Sadie and Lexi thought it was sooo fun. Our dog Tuff thought it was fun too, he decided to join in as well. (Picture below) It was a memorable afternoon and the kids really enjoyed themselves, especially when their daddy gets to join in the fun. Happy Easter everyone!

Puddle Jumpers

Sadie has been begging me to let her jump in the puddles outside. Of course it has been cold enough I didn't think it was a great idea until yesterday when it was 55 degrees outside. So I adorned my kids in their winter clothes because we haven't thought to get any rain coats etc. and finished their ensemble off with their irrigating boots. They had so much fun outside! We had a pretty big puddle out here for them to play in and then when Cory came home they had even more fun! Let me tell you they were soaking wet! They came in the house just after five and I decided to forget dinner for now and get they straight in the tub because they were so wet and dirty. One of those times that you adjust the schedule to fit your needs. They came in kind of cold I think but this morning Lexi got out of bed and came to the door to get her irrigating boots and said "Outside". So they must have had more fun than cold I guess.

Below: Sadie was trying to get Lexi to jump in the puddle but the best Lexi could do was stomp

Below: Cory came home through the field behind him and scared the kids out of the water. Lexi wasn't so concerned though, she just watched him and stayed put.

Below: Cory then took the kids on a ride through the puddle to show them what puddle splaching was really about. Sadie is riding on the back sreaming at him to go faster.

Cory Grew Hair!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Temper Tantrums and Calving

I'm afraid I'm going to develop an tantrum before I get calmed down enough to figure out what to do with my two crazy girls. Sadie has learned to throw the worst tantrums in the afternoon when she is unbearably tired but being to late in the day to actually take a nap. She cries out as loud as she can and screams out at me. I finally just sent her to her room the other day to cry it out and then we talked about it. I was just baffled because she has never done that before. I let it go thinking and discussing this with Cory trying to come up with a solution for the next time. It never occurred to me that my 1 and a half year old would pick up on that and mimic the exact same thing! I was floored when Lexi threw almost the exact same fit yesterday at nap time! It amazes me that she can remember that and mimic it, but then again I'm going to go crazy if this keeps up! Ugh!

On a funnier note, our family went for a drive on Sunday after conference as we sometimes do. As we were driving through the snow and mud, somehow the subject of Sadie's friend R.J. came up and how his grandma picked him up from pre-school almost all the time now. Cory asked me why that was and I said because R.J.'s mother was helping with calving season. Sadie pipes up from the back seat "I wish you were calving mommy." Cory and I laughed forever on that one. It is so interesting what kids pick up from conversations they hear around them!