Thursday, November 13, 2008

Only Lizard Talk

As Sadie, Lexi and I were in the car yesterday, Sadie and I were working on memorizing her lines for the Primary Program in two weeks. Ecko the toy Lizard had accompanied Sadie in the car and her attention was quickly drawing to the lizard instead of what mom was reciting to her.
I tried to get her to tell Ecko her lines as practice and she sighed and said, "Mom, Ecko doesn't speak people talk. He only speaks lizard talk."
I gave up on the lines for the program and started to converse with her about her lizard only to be rebutted again. Sadie sympathized with the lizard saying, "Ecko missed his mommy." I thinking I was helping Ecko's case I said, "Why don't you be Ecko's mommy so he won't be lonely." Sadie replied, "I'm a people mommy so I can't be a lizard mommy. Only Lizard mommies can be Ecko's mommy." So I stand corrected.

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