Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Secret's Out

I decided to go ahead and publicly announce that we are going to have another baby due to arrive on August 16th of 2009. I was keeping it a secret for a while just in case any early complications came up but it seems that all is well and we are very excited. Sadie wants to have a brother because mommies have sisters and brothers and she already has a sister. I hope she doesn't have her heart too set yet. I can't decide what I want other than a healthy baby. We find out what we are having on April 10th so look for my post! I really was sick with this one and it was a struggle to keep myself going for the sake of my husband and kids. Lexi cried every time she found me hoovering over the toilet and she has a really hard time understanding all of this. Sadie was great help and knew if I hollered her name as I ran to the bathroom, she automatically shut my bedroom door and entertained Lexi for me until I came out. I made it through the first trimester now though and other than feeling tired, I am doing great. Cory is as wonderful as ever trying to pick up the slack around the house for me when I am just tuckered out. I really can't imagine what I will do trying to nurse a third kid and at the same time trying to chase down my not quite two year old down the hall. It will be an advenutre for sure.


Sarah F. said... we can talk about it! Congrats!

Natalie said...

How exciting...I am like Sadie and hoping you get yourself a little man. I am sorry you were so sick. I wish I were closer to help with the girls. It is always a little scary to have them close in age. I am sure you will be great at keeping up with them. It is amazing what you can do when you aren't pregnant - right!