Monday, April 6, 2009

Temper Tantrums and Calving

I'm afraid I'm going to develop an tantrum before I get calmed down enough to figure out what to do with my two crazy girls. Sadie has learned to throw the worst tantrums in the afternoon when she is unbearably tired but being to late in the day to actually take a nap. She cries out as loud as she can and screams out at me. I finally just sent her to her room the other day to cry it out and then we talked about it. I was just baffled because she has never done that before. I let it go thinking and discussing this with Cory trying to come up with a solution for the next time. It never occurred to me that my 1 and a half year old would pick up on that and mimic the exact same thing! I was floored when Lexi threw almost the exact same fit yesterday at nap time! It amazes me that she can remember that and mimic it, but then again I'm going to go crazy if this keeps up! Ugh!

On a funnier note, our family went for a drive on Sunday after conference as we sometimes do. As we were driving through the snow and mud, somehow the subject of Sadie's friend R.J. came up and how his grandma picked him up from pre-school almost all the time now. Cory asked me why that was and I said because R.J.'s mother was helping with calving season. Sadie pipes up from the back seat "I wish you were calving mommy." Cory and I laughed forever on that one. It is so interesting what kids pick up from conversations they hear around them!

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