Sunday, July 26, 2009

Yea, I'm that bad-

I really have gotten in a bad habit of not getting my pictures on the computer and posting them. You all know that since the last post I had was two months ago or more. But I'm on track and I will be doing some back dating so bear with me as new posts from May and June appear as well as the current ones. I'm sorry for the lack of communication and ask forgiveness to all those I have not kept updated.
Today was a typical Sunday. We all get up and I work on breakfast/kid occupying while Cory gets ready for church and leaves the house by 8:30 a.m. Then I get the kids ready and put them in front of the TV watching a Living Scriptures movie while I fast and furiously get ready for church. We leave to get to church a little early so I can set up the Nursery for my class and be ready for kids at 10 a.m. I have eight kids in my Nursery and usually have a helper there but not always. Then I wrestle two girls who try to get candy out of Grandpa, Grandma and two uncles during sacrament meeting while Cory sits up in his appointed chair for his calling as Ward Clerk. By the time church is over I am beat, being 36 weeks pregnant does not help either. However today I had to be so grateful for my Sadie and her take on life. She is so smart and has such a sense of humor that gets me through these long days.
We were all outside this afternoon playing in the rock pile out by our house. Cory and I have resorted to spelling words we don't want Sadie to hear (I'm sure you have all done that). We were trying to decide what to do the rest of the afternoon and Cory said "Let's go for a D-R-I-V-E" Sadie pipes up casually "Yea, let's go for a ride." So then Cory said to me "Should we go to K-U-R-T and J-A-N?" Thinking he was outsmarting his daughter who had probably heard grandma and grandpa spelled out numerous times, little did he know that he was outsmarted anyway when Sadie replied "That spells Grandma and Grandpa's right daddy?" I couldn't keep from laughing when the shock registered on Cory's face of how he didn't fool Sadie at all. Little girls know more than we think!!

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