Saturday, September 5, 2009

Ross Park

I finally took my girls to Pocatello to go to Ross Park for a swim. It was the last weekend they were open and there weren't very many people. Cory's sister Angie came with her daughter and Cory's mom came with us too. It was a fun day, Cory's mom stayed out of the water to watch my Haylee while the rest of us played in the pool. The girls had a great time and I enjoyed my time with my kids.

Below: Aunt Angie and cousin Abbie

Below: Lexi pretending to be a dog and lapping up the water-yes it's disgusting!

Below: Sadie coming out of the water slide making a big enough splash you can't really see her!

Below: Lexi and Sadie on the tire swing, I recall making specific instructions to NOT have my picture taken by the photographer, who shall remain nameless, but it didn't happen.

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