Thursday, February 11, 2010

Weekend Excursions

Let me tell you how much I HATE grocery shopping now days. I used to enjoy trips to town, but now with three kids in tow it is such a disaster. All of you mothers out there know exactly what I am talking about, but my options are limited so I must endure those weekend trips to Idaho Falls for grocery shopping, running errands that all three kids have to get out of the car for, and endless lists. I have to make it a two day event, or I would NEVER come close to completing my list of things to do in town. My kids are pretty well behaved having done this kind of thing many times before by now, though not angelic they manage to do good. But I still really dread the thought of those much needed monthly weekends in town.

This last time I got some relief in my friend Korryn. She was such a lifesaver!!!! She let me stay at her house (for some much needed girl time) and then she watched my kids for me to finish my shopping! It was such a reprieve! My girls had such a good time with her kids. They keep asking when we get to go there again. She had five kids of her own but her oldest two, MaKady and Savannah were great to help with my kids. Thanks girls! I might have to hire Korryn to watch my kids each time! Hee! Hee! :) Thanks Korryn, it was a fun and exciting weekend even with the burden of shopping!
Below: Lexi thought the baby toy was more fun than the big kid toys at the Lott house.
She likes to watch out for Haylee for me too!

Below: Sadie and Anthony were inseparable! They had such a fun time together. Sadie cried when I told her it was time to go home. But we'll be back at the Lott house in a couple weeks!


Natalie said...

Jess....I can't imagine. I am here if you ever need me too. My kids always love to have friends! Call me if you ever need help! PLEASE!

Cameron, Shannon Voge said...

I don't know HOW you do it!?!? Living so far away from town! Too bad I don't live close, I'd be happy to watch your kids for you anytime! Thank goodness for good friends like Corryn!

Jess said...

I'm sorry if this post sounded like a pitty party. I appriciate your comments and offers of help. It IS nice to have great friends and family!!!