Sunday, February 28, 2010


I'm just going to summarize this last month so I can post more current things, so this past month. . . . . . . . . . sickness. That basically describes our month of February. Sadie started the month out with a cough and had that combined with many other gross symptoms I won't bore you with for about three weeks. A week after Sadie started, Lexi came down with the same flu (I think) and hers lasted for two weeks. Three days after Lexi started, I came down with the flu and was sick for a week. Four days after I started, Haylee came down with it, but hers got serious enough I took her to the doctor. She had RSV, which to my surprise there was nothing they could do for her. They recommended breathing treatments and humidifier combined with any other home remedies we knew of but not to give her anything but Tylenol to keep her fever down. I found out that RSV isn't as serious for any baby three months or older as it is for younger newborns. So we spent the month recuperating and now we are all healthy. Fun huh? But we did have lots of Popsicles, ice cream, root beer for sore throats. We also had plenty of story times and movie nights. Even though we were sick, we still got to do some fun things! Many of you may ask how Cory did during all of this? He was a godsend!!! He never did get sick (he has a fabulous immune system which the girls didn't inherit) and he was so helpful. He got up in the night with all three girls at one point or another and he went to the store for anything we wanted to make us feel better. He snuggled all three little girls and even his big girl to help them feel better. Thanks Babe! I never would have made it through the month without you!

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