Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Almost Blessing

We were supposed to bless Haylee this past Sunday, but due to events beyond our control it didn't happen. Many of you know all about this so bear with me if you do. We received a phone call from Cory's mom on Saturday morning saying that school was cancelled for Leadore on Monday because of so much flu and sickness going around. Over half of the school was out sick on Friday. So we called the bishop of our ward to see what they would be doing for church on Sunday. The bishop is also a school teacher so I found out the reasons for missing school as well. There were no reports of swine flu just a lot of colds and regular flu going around. So the bishop first told us that they would hold church regularly. We called all our traveling family and friends to warn them of the spreading sickness out here just as a courtesy. Then the bishop called me back to tell me that church had been changed to just sacrament at 10 a.m. So I made another round of phone calls to let them know of the change and found out people were not coming because of the time difference or because they didn't want to get sick so we decided it was in our best interest to cancel the blessing. Jenn and Clay were already planning on coming up so they came and we had a fun time with just the Andrus family. Here is the kids lined up eating dessert on Saturday night.

We all stayed home from church because we were healthy and I wanted it to stay that way for Haylee especially. It was nice outside so we let the kids to ride horses in the corral. They had as much fun playing in the chutes as riding the horses!

On Monday I found out that two cases of swine flu are reported here and one was a girl in the high school. I kept Sadie home from pre-school on Tuesday as well to find out that still half of the school kids were home sick. I think it is more prominent here where there are so few kids in the school but this flu bug seems to be kicking everyone in the rear!! Hope all you are healthy and staying out of this cold spell!

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