Thursday, October 29, 2009

Kung Fu Princess

Recently we are getting a free three month preview of the HBO movie package on our satellite package. While we are getting it I'm recording anything I think the kids would like to watch on our DVR. I came across Kung Fu Panda which my kids have never seen so I recorded it and they watched it one day. They absolutely loved i!!!!! Now I'm so sick of Kung Fu Panda that I could vomit, but my kids love it so I guess I will stand this phase until the next one comes. It has been very fun though. They pretend to be characters on the movie and Kung Fu the air. Lexi gets such a face of determination when she does Kung Fu. Sadie likes to jump and twirl and kick all simultaneously off the spare bed. Lexi is also into a princes stage however so one day she was doing her Kung Fu and I asked her if she was the Kung Fu Panda. She said "No mommy, I Nun Fu Prwincess". I got a good chuckle out of that one!

Sadie is pretty flexible and imaginative doing Kung Fu.

Lexi is so serious and stern looking when she does her Kung Fu.

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