Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How to be like Daddy

Sadie came out in the living room last night after I had asked her to get her pj's on and was only half dressed. I asked her why she didn't have her pj top on and she said "I'm going to be like daddy". I was puzzled and didn't make the connection so I asked her how that was going to happen. She replied " I'm coming out in the living room to button up my shirt." Cory has a habit of putting on his work shirt but not buttoning it up until he comes out to sit down and put on his shoes at the same time. I never made the connection until Sadie pointed it out!

This morning she was watching Cory build a fire (we had such a high temperature this morning of 8 DEGREES!!!!!) when she said to him " I need to be careful around the fire don't I? If I caught my hair on fire then I would look like you daddy." I get such a chuckle out of Sadie when she shocks Cory into silence! :)


Natalie said...

I love the funny things kids say. I also LOVE the picture of the potty seat over your Lexi's head. So cute. Your family pic at the zoo is so cute too! It is so fun to see your kids growing!

Sarah F. said...

I love the hair/fire story! That totally cracked me up. Sorry Cory. :)

Cameron, Shannon Voge said...

That story is too funny! I can't believe how COLD it is there!?!?!?!? Hope you're staying warm... and I LOVE the main picture... how appropriate of you in a bird's nest!!