Saturday, December 5, 2009

Old Toys, New Joys

I was cleaning out the spare bedroom trying to de-junk and remove clutter when I happened to come upon a box of my old childhood stuffed animals. Inside was a variety of things and I thought the girls would like to look at them with me before I donate them to the DI. Sadie was so excited to see my many Tiggers and loved my Cabbage Patch Doll. My mom made clothes for the doll for me for Christmas one year and they are still in tact. Sadie has loved playing with "Darcy". Lexi was more interested in the Bouncing Tigger and Tumble Time Tigger. She played with them for an hour on the kitchen floor. Thank goodness for the OFF switch! It was fun to tell my kids what I did with the toys and stories about me and my sisters when we played together. I had a perfect example for Cory of how me being a "pack rat" payed off!
I even still have the authentic birth certificate for the Cabbage Patch Doll!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

How fun. My girls have packed my cabbage patch dolls around for years. There are a few things that I am SO GLAD I saved too!