Thursday, December 31, 2009

A day to remember: Sadie's Birthday

There are a lot of events to catch up on so I will try to break it up a bit. December 16th was Sadie's 5th birthday. The day started out as a trip to Salmon for Haylee's four month shots and running errands. As we headed away from the District Health Department, Sadie was talking to me about her party that night and asking me questions about the details. I looked up in the mirror to look at her and smile without noticing the stop sign in front of us. We collided with another vehicle and thus ended our carefully planned day. Nobody was seriously injured, Sadie got the worst of it with a bruised up eye.

I was sore from whiplash but we were really lucky. The other two girls were just scared. My car was totaled and we had to wait for 90 minutes in the laundromat before Cory could come get us and take us all home. We were very blessed and I am humbled to think what could have happened if we weren't all wearing our seat belts.

Sadie still wanted to party when we got home. So the guests arrived and we had a great time. Her friends Brooke and Jordan came with their mom, the Herbsts, Whittakers and of course the Birds were all there. She requested a Barbie cake which I was planning to do when we came home from town but because of the events of the day, I ended up with only an hour to do it in.

Sadie was pretty shaken up over the accident, I think the party helped her put it out of her mind though. Opening presents was a major highlight along with the toys, clothes and candy she got. She will always remember this birthday for good and bad I guess. But the day turned out enjoyable for us all.


Sarah F. said...

We are just glad you are all okay. Happy Birthday Sadie! Her hair is getting so long!

Two Dot Crew said...

we're glad everyone was fine too! we need a day to get together soon...and car shop!!!